Saturday, February 9, 2008

Critical thinking-

- Critical thinking -

Being critical is never easy. Always have to think.

Do i? no.

what does it mean?

we are all exposed by media's extremely strong power. to exaggerate, we can be manipulated by others.

Although, i know it, it is still not an easy task.

Actually, that lecture day,i expected little more realitic, and critical lecture about media. For example, comparing certain papers and show how it's different. Or how we're manipulated already.

So i was kind of disappointed.

Anyway, she reminded me that i have to prepare myself to go real society.. when I go back to Korea.

In company, in Society, I need to know how to think myself and how to talk my opinion not by copying others'.

Book Project-

- Life of Pi -
Overall it was so nice, fantastic!! It was fortune that i could choose the book i wanted.


: In terms of reading.. I'm reading person... so... reading english book was kind of one of expected projects.

Life of Pi was written easily without jargons, difficult structures. Every single sentences are clear and not too long. Also, it has big drama at the end, it makes readers satisfy.

We had only 1 week to read novel. I think it could be pressure, and it was pressure for me. However, everybody made it, and i made it. proud of me.

Class discussions with your group

: to discuss each section, I had to read fixed pages of book and it encouraged me.

When we did discussions, our group was very active. Even though at the beginning, there was little things to discuss, but the more time goes, the more we became active. Everybody gave their own opinion, and we had agree and disagree. From time to time, we explained and correct certain parts to someone who didn't understand. So it made us understand the book properly.

Also, by this discussions, I could know the others' various opinions so that it made my view wide.

Written Review

: written review was one of the hardest work during this project. i had to tell the story, criticize it, and appeal to readers at the same time, because I wanted to make readers to read Life of pi.

From this, I've learn good things to know, like skills to write review, and how to other writters express their criticisms..

Oral Presentations(your own)(as part of the audience)

: Oral presentations not to hard, because it was based on my book review, I did it together with Dyrl, and We had many things to say from the group discussions.

Specially, i like other groups presentations. I wanted to know all the other books, and other classmates presented it quite well. So I now know which book i have to read next, Alias Grace!