Sunday, March 16, 2008

blogging project-

last thing I want to post!!

my caricature!!!


this was good experience that i could taste about fereign blog!!!

every korean has their own blog like this, so that we really enjoy this kind of internet based thing.

but it was good to do this with my classmates.

As i write on my blog.. and now...

I can say that I am available writing something in english freely without any severe pressure. happy!!!


What did you learn from preparing your presentation?

: I learnt one more function of MS Office..
next time.. i should turn off the practice function. it was very big mistake during my presentaion, but it was useful mistake..^^

Also, by doing presentation, I could re-view my topic, and rearrange it.
Actually, when I was doing my paper, i simply got into there, so I couldn't see the whole thing. So when I re-read the paper and prepare my presentation, I could see weakness of my paper. Had i had more time for paper.. it might have been done better......^^

How did you feel about your presentation?
: during the presentation.. even though i had big mistake, i didn't feel very nervous.. just felt sorry for audience because they would have difficulty to understand me...
what makes me nervous was... the question period. sharp and extended questions..

What did you learn from listening to the presentations of your classmates.
: I felt like everyone was expert about that topic. really everybody.
their english were good, their expressions were good, presentation skills were good. If i looked like one of them, (not far from them..hopefully.) it would be great, because this is the last course that i'm taking before going back..

Friday, March 14, 2008

Exam Anxiety


no, no, that's not my style..
far far far away from me....^-------^
Maybe bad perfectionism could be the source of my anxiety..
but.. anyway... no problem with exam.


it was interesting that they offer some specific solution for exam anxiety.
It's really nice method to be considerd to solve that kind of problem.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

"oh, great sprit, keep me from ever judging a man until I've walked in his moccasins"

"oh, great spirit, keep me from ever judging a man until I've walked in his moccasins"

It is quite easy Judging someone when their behavior was wrong or seems like wrong. Just say a word or a sentence like "you can't do like that. You are doing wrong.".

But it is quite hard judging someone when you know someones' situation support her/his wrong behavior. Everyone knows the novel "Les miserable" in which the main role stole bread to fill his hunger. Who can blame him without pity? People would feel sorry for him at least , if they are human beings.

In addition, people never unerstand exactly how the others feel and think. Even though we use same language, because every single people has different values, different goals, different backgrounds, different cultures, it is hard to understnad.
It is not easy to consider things at other peoples' positions. But this is right way to respect the others and to be respected from the others.

Research project..

The most important thing at this point,,,, is,,,,, this is not finish yet!!!
(presentation is left!)

Anyhow.. I handed in the paper with well-made cover, and I can forget about the articles and books about my topic, "consumer decision making". ITs good. perfect!!

Until last friday, i told everybody that i know.. this project is killing me..

Once, level 7 classmates asked me, "hey, level 8 isn't that difficult, eh?" I talked back, "There is a project which is called 'research project', and that is killing me, and will kill you as well." ( He was a bit arrogant, and insolent).

Once, I met my ex-teacher by chance and he told me "oh, you will have research in level 8" and I said " I'm doing it now!" and he told me " Good luch, jung~!" And I really agree with him. ^^;;

------------------------------------------so far, my general feeling -----------

However, of course, I have learnt a lot from this project.

I learned specific way of doing this kind of paper which will be so useful in the workplace as well. For example, looking for certain books and articles and making reference list are one of the good things to know.

And I will probably do the same way except making the reference list. I forgot write some of the references when I write the paper, so... the results was..... it took bunch of time to recover it, and I ended up took away the part that I couldn't find the references.

Lecture project-


I went to 3 lectures, and finally, fortunately, I found the lecture that I liked ..^^

Like I presented, it was about the consumption theory which was related to Darwin's theory.

My first impression doing these lectures was.. that western people (except student or collegues) don't go academic lectures as well as korean... It is same all over the world.. because all of the 3 lectures didn't have many people. Even though the last lecture was sort of Concordia's program.

Second impression was .. it's difficult...!!

It was different from my everyday school life- The professors talk fast, some of them had his own accent, used jargons. They never pause during the lectures.

However, i was encouraged by these lectures, because i could understand it, even though not all of it. It was impossible, just until 1 year ago, but it's possible now!!! So, I have kind of encouraged to keep going forward!

So, thank you!^^

Friday, February 15, 2008


1. How many children did your grandparnets have? What about your parents? How many children do you want to have?

My parental grandparents had 5 sons and daughters, but one of them was died when he was a child. So now they have only 4 sibilngs. For mathernal grandperents have only 3 sibilngs.

And I have only 1 sibling who is a girl.

Maybe.. because I've grown up in a small family without big relatives and big family events, i want to have really big family. 4 sons and daughters i wish. If I can, i will adopt one baby.

2. what is the population of your country? what impact does the population have on the quality of life there?

South Korea's population is 49,024,737, 24th in the world. North korea's population is 23,301,725, 48th in the world.(wekipedia, 2007 research)

To add both populations of South korea and north korea's it becomes 18th in the world.

I didn't realized the impact before coming to canada, before meeting people who come from other countries. Foreigners did not rush like korean. They are more kind. I think because we have so many people in small land, we are more competitive, and rush to get something before others get no matter what it is.

3. Has there been a significant population shift in your country from rural areas to urban areas? IF yes, what are the consequeces?

Yes, we have it. Ever since Korean War, people have moved to capital, Seoul. Seoul has one out of four population of South Korea.

It becames center of economic, administration, politics, even entertainment, everything. AS a result, buildings and land in seoul are so expensive, so that habitants are moving into suburb.
It caused severe congestion everyday. Every single person suffer to commute to work, and school.